What's Your Favorite Part of Your Job?

Watching our team's strategic recommendations lead to huge wins for our clients.

Seeing our designs come to life in a new site, and watching the successful results of all the hard work our team puts in is really rewarding

I love being able to have a creative job. Even after 8 years, I still get excited designing websites for a diverse group of clients. People genuinely care around here. I feel like each project gets a dedicated group that all has the same goal for the client

What’s One Of Your Favorite Projects You’ve Worked On?

Young Survival Coalition (YSC) is a non-profit with national recognition. Building their new website had challenges, but the end result is something I'm proud to have contributed to.

Dainty Jewell’s. The design of this site is so beautiful, and we were able to offer some unique and custom solutions that really make this site stand out against the competition!

I really enjoyed bringing Conner Homes to life with an interactive search feature and amazing design.

What Do You Love About efelle?

I'm just constantly amazed at the talent our team brings to the table and I feel like I learn something new every day from everyone here at efelle!

I'm super thankful to know that I've got a team that's got my back and is ready to jump in to help whenever needed. Everyone here at efelle puts in their 110% every day and we try to have fun doing it!

I'm surrounded by brilliant coworkers who teach me something new every single day. Everyone on the team goes out of their way to make efelle a place where everyone feels welcome, and to lend a hand when needed.