Kitchens Kelley Gaines

Project Description
Website Design For Atlanta Law Firm
Kitchens Kelley Gaynes has been serving clients since 1985, representing clients of all sizes across a number of industries. Their team of attorneys is experienced in handling matters of any size, from multi-state transactions to complex commercial litigation, providing sophisticated legal representation throughout the process.
Project Objectives
The previous Kitchens Kelley Gaynes website was not mobile responsive, so it was a priority of this project to do so and improve the user experience. With this redesign, the KKG team also wanted to create a website that had a modern, more sophisticated aesthetic that better reflected their professionalism.
Law Firm Website Design
With a lot of wonderful referrals, so the primary audience on this website includes corporate clients involved in specific practice areas who are looking for information about additional practice areas. With this in mind, we wanted to keep the homepage a clean and minimalist design that focused on the work that KKG is currently doing while directing users to the different practice areas as well.
As a law firm, it was important to highlight the practicing attorneys and legal team. We designed out a Team Overview page that gives a high-level view of the entire team and provides a quick glance at their position and contact information. Users are able to sort by practice area to find the relevant staff member they’re looking for. Once a user clicks into an individual profile, we created a design that highlighted a new headshot photo of the team member, as well as their practice areas of focus, biography, Bar admissions, memberships, and education. Users are able to download the VCard as well for easy contact access.
Website Development
We followed the usual best-practices for this website build, building the site to provide high SEO value while also optimizing user experience. The site is built using LawFirmFusionCMS which makes it powerful and easy for the Kitchens Kelley Gaynes team to update the site. Within FusionCMS, we create interlinks throughout the site which is great for user experience as well as organic SEO.
One great example of this is under Practice Areas. When entering a new Practice Area, the KKG team can add related services as well as Practice Contacts that link to the relevant team member’s page. This is easily done on one page of the CMS and automatically updates on the page when the changes are made.
Another great part of this build is under News & Insights, which is a featured section right on the homepage of the website. This uses the blog module where the KKG team can enter a new story and all the relevant information and categories it belongs in. If they’d like the story to be featured on the homepage, they can simply click a button within the blog page and it’ll be pulled onto the homepage automatically.
These ability to make changes and update the site easily is important for busy law firms like Kitchens Kelley Gaynes so they can focus on helping clients.
Are you interested in this project or have a question about learning more for your own project? Contact our team here and we’d be happy to help.