Ocean Beauty Seafoods

Project Description
Website Design for Seattle Seafood Company Serving Customers Worldwide
Ocean Beauty Seafoods began in 1910 as a small shop in Seattle known as Washington Fish & Oyster Company. They source top quality seafood from around the world and have successfully integrated seafood companies throughout the PNW.
Project Objectives
There were several goals with the site redesign, with the overarching goal of creating a website that can be used as a marketing tool for the various divisions and markets they serve. This required an updated design that better reflected the branding of the company and functioned better to meet the Ocean Beauty team’s needs.
Website Design
The website design is a classic nautical look and feel, paying homage to the company’s 100 plus years of history. The blue and gold, along with serif fonts lean on tones of heritage, with accents of aged paper used throughout the site as well. The site also uses a mix of illustrations along with real-life photography to keep the site engaging and fresh.
The site serves a number of different audiences so in terms of structure it was important for us to appeal to both industry buyers and consumers. We wanted to portray the quality, long-standing history, and credibility immediately on the homepage design, so we linked to the history immediately, while then allowing the user to explore their different brands and products, along with their distribution services.
The subpage designs of the website were a mix between a product-focused business, a seafood shop, and a wholesale distributor, meaning there were a lot of subpages that needed their own unique designs. The Product pages provide helpful information regarding the product like the nutrition, serving options, and recipes, along with sell sheets for distributors and related products.
Website Development
The site needed a number of custom-designed templates that could be easily replicated within the content management system. With these goals in mind, we built the website on FusionCMS, as we have with a number of seafood sites.
With FusionCMS, we are able to meet the robust needs of the three core aspects of the site including manufacturing, distribution, and hiring. This includes multiple forms, uploading sell sheets, and inter-linked product and location pages.
For the location pages, we created them for both the Distribution Offices and Smokehouses pages that show contact information, the address, and hours of operation, as well as products available at each location. These pages also have forms on them that can go directly to specific emails of each office, streamlining their communications.
With the product pages, as well as most other pages, the team at Ocean Beauty can easily edit or create new pages as they continue to grow and expand their product line, meaning their website will scale with them as they go!
Have a question about this website design and build or interested in learning more about this process? Contact Us.
Project Type:
Website Design and Development
Seattle, WA