PetsZX, Inc.

Project Description
eCommerce Website Design and Development for Pet Supplements Company
Our friends at PetsZX were inspired to develop their own line of pet supplements after discovering the nutritionally damaging practices used in the manufacturing process for most pet foods. They currently offer four products in their Pet Power ZX line and came to us looking for a website that was both informative and flush with the “wow” factor.
Project Background
Among the PetsZX team’s objectives was to combine their existing corporate site with their eCommerce website so that users would be able to discover their brand history, product line, and company mission under one “roof” and without having to navigate between domains. The PetsZX team requested a unified look and feel across the new website, and they did not want the design to feel either boring or bland—common characteristics found on many corporate websites. Rather, our team was tasked with designing and developing a site that could elevate the brand’s story, inspire conversions, and provide users with a dynamic and playful experience.
Web Design and Development Successes
Our homepage design is both bright and bold, featuring aww-worthy animal photos, modern typography, and bold call-to-action spaces urging users to check out products in the online store. We also designed and developed a special area just below the homepage masthead to show off the company’s brand new video commercial (featuring Seinfeld actor John O’Hurley). A play button sits atop the right-hand image and opens into a video lightbox (the video is hosted on YouTube to ensure page load time is not compromised).
The eCommerce store pages themselves are clean and bright. On the product overview pages, we designed large spaces for thumbnails so the PetsZX team has more room to show off labels and info prior to users clicking into individual detail pages. Fun hover graphics in the brand's brilliant green live up to the design’s “playful” requirement while filtration options improve user friendliness and ease navigation between product areas.
We also designed and developed a special testimonials area—a critical feature for any young brand needing to drum up user interest and inspire trust. Customers can submit content to the PetsZX team to be featured in this space, with many testimonials even featuring before and after photos and videos of their pets. The testimonials overview page features a “Pinterest”-style floating grid that is mobile responsive and eases initial load time for visitors.
On a whole, the PetsZX design makes thoughtful use of contrasting elements and colors, striking imagery, and UX-friendly architecture and navigation to both provide all visitors with an optimal experience and encourage store conversions.
Project Type:
Pet Nutrition
United States