John Curley
SEO Specialist
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. - Edward Bernays (American pioneer in the field of public relations & marketing)
John is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist at efelle Creative. John analyzes websites, researches business models, and does keyword research to optimize websites to gain the most relevant traffic in search engines. He enjoys working with clients, developers, and the account management team to achieve the greatest possible success for clients.
Initially earning a degree in Business Management and working for some time in corporate accounting but being interested in data, the power of influence on the masses, and how technology is shaping the future, John made a dedicated career change in 2012. He earned a Marketing Degree, and pursued a career in digital marketing and SEO. Here we go.
Watching documentary films, weird stuff on Youtube, Vice reporting, Calvin and Hobbes, audio books on Sunday run day, being a taco connoisseur, and too frequently petting other peoples dogs while ignoring their owners.
Unique Skill(s)
Explaining how Google does its thing and consuming tacos. Not (usually) at the same time.
Fun Facts
Google handles a staggering 1.2 trillion searches every year. This translates to over 40,000 search queries that Google processes every second on average, over 3.5 billion requests per day, and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide as listed by Internet Live Stats.