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A Shocking 70 Percent of B2B Websites Fail this Simple Web Marketing Test
Kerry Sweeney

A Shocking 70 Percent of B2B Websites Fail this Simple Web Marketing Test

A website is an important element of your company's image, so it pays to run a critical eye over your B2B landing page. It should include various ways for customers to contact you, appropriate calls to action and informational resources. According to, a whopping 70 percent of B2B websites get at least one of these web-marketing essentials wrong. read more

The Ideal Social Media Marketing Workflow
Kerry Sweeney

The Ideal Social Media Marketing Workflow

Social media marketing is a part of online marketing and public relations that companies can no longer ignore. Unfortunately, these efforts are time consuming and need attention to detail. It's important to gain as much efficiency in your workflow as possible to cut the time you spend.The following suggested workflow comes for years of social media marketing experience. It may not suit every marketer, but it will at least help you think about ways to streamline your efforts.Don't take all of these four steps on one social media site and then move to the next. You will lose insights that could be transferred among your social media outlets. Instead, do step one on each of your social media sites before moving onto step two. Consider using a social media management application to streamline your efforts. read more

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