Website Design & Development

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Rebrand or Refresh? How to Decide What You Need
Kerry Sweeney

Rebrand or Refresh? How to Decide What You Need

It's always a little jarring when a brand you know suddenly changes their image. One needs only to look at the swift, acute reaction to Instagram's new logo to confirm that people definitely take notice when things change. read more

Why A Professional Logo Makes the Difference
Jessica Bryant

Why A Professional Logo Makes the Difference

To the untrained eye, many logos and word-marks look relatively simple. And in 2016, when just about everyone has Photoshop or some other kind of photo-editing software at their fingertips, it can be extremely tempting for businesses looking for a new logo to simply boot up Google Docs, pick a font, and call it a day. read more

Is Flat Web Design for You?
Jessica Bryant

Is Flat Web Design for You?

Web design trends come and go almost as frequently as the weather changes. But one trend seems to have some real sticking power: "flat" design. read more

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