Architecture Firm Websites

Jessica Bryant Posted by Jessica Bryant on July 26, 2012

7 Tips for Marketing Your Law Firm with Press Releases

7 Tips for Marketing Your Law Firm with Press Releases

make the most of your law firm's press release marketing efforts

Marketing your Law Firm with Press ReleasesLaw firm marketing isn't an option - it's crucial if you want your law firm to survive in today's competitive market. The creation and distribution of press releases is an effective way to get your law firm's name in front of thousands of prospective clients. Press release marketing also improves your search engine visibility, drives more traffic to your law firm's website, and helps your law firm generate more publicity. Here are some tips for marketing your law firm effectively with press releases.

1. Write about newsworthy topics

Don't write press releases just for the sake of generating links and traffic. Make sure that the topics you write about are actually newsworthy. If a press release doesn't announce anything that would be of interest or value to your target audience, don't publish it.

2. Include hyperlinks with keyword anchor text

Most press release distribution sites allow you to include a hyperlink or two in your press releases. Use that as an opportunity to link back to your law firm's website with relevant keyword anchor text. Using keyword anchor text will benefit your website's SEO more than hyperlinks that use your law firm's name or "click here" as anchor text.

3. Write about current events and other hot topics

Increase your law firm's exposure by writing press releases about current events and high-profile cases, giving your law firm's take on the matter and putting a legal spin on it. Press releases about popular topics tend to get more readers and traffic.

4. Write like a journalist

Rather than writing dry, corporate-sounding press releases, write press releases that sound like news stories in order to attract more readers, boost your credibility, and increase the chances of your press release being syndicated. One way to make your press releases sound more like something you'd read in a local paper or business journal is by gathering quotes from various sources.

5. Send press releases to local newspapers and trade publications

Today's press release distribution sites have taken a lot of the work out of distributing press releases, but it's still worthwhile to send editor-focused press releases to local newspapers and trade publications. Even if they don't publish the press releases, they'll likely keep your information on file and possibly call you in the future if they need a quote from an expert source.

6. Avoid writing in first person

Don't write in first person if you want your law firm's press releases to appear credible and be accepted by reputable PR distribution sites. Your press release should read like the work of a third-party journalist and include quotes from you or your partners and staff.

7. Pick your keywords well

Using the right keywords is important if you want to maximize the results of your law firm's press releases. Use a keyword research tool to find keywords that prospective clients are searching for and incorporate them into your press release.

Spread the Word about Your Law Firm with Press Release Marketing

Build a stronger online presence by marketing your law firm with effective, SEO-friendly press releases. efelle can help you write and distribute press releases that drive more traffic to your website and generate more leads for your law firm. Other services we offer law firms include social media marketing, search engine optimization, web design, and more. Call us at 206.384.4909 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation.

See Also:

Simple Guide to SEO for Law Firm Websites

How Law Firms Can Get More Clients with Social Media Marketing