FruitCocktail Appraisals Launches New & Easy to Use Website
Seattle appraisal experts launch new & professional website
Professional, knowledgable, and efficient are just a few of the words that describe FruitCocktail Appraisals and now they have a website to match. Being in the business for almost 20 years, they have the well trained eye to help clients from around the Pacific Northwest with their estate sales, appraisals, and consignment needs.
Design & development project details
FruitCocktail was a business unlike one we had redesigned with the need to update their products that they had sold without actually selling them on the website.
Our FusionCMS website content management system allows for them to manage every aspect of their ever changing website as often as necessary with ease of use for both the business and those looking at their site. This is especially useful for the business to stay up to date on previous items and upcoming sales. As avid users of the blogging feature we offer, Alyssa Smith, the main author, uses the blog to update the world on upcoming sales and includes the type of items that might be found. The robust and easy to navigate blog section allows for those on the site to view upcoming as well as previous sales.
You can view the new website here!
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efelle creative is a Seattle-based web marketing firm that specializes in responsive website design and development, website content management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and other online marketing services. Since 2005, efelle creative has worked with 550+ businesses and healthcare providers locally and nationally to help them meet their digital marketing needs. Call us at 206.384.4909 or fill out our online contact form to get in touch with a specialist and learn how our online marketing tools can help grow your practice.