Posted by Leif Parcell on August 01, 2013
Moving Beyond SEO-Centered Website Design
Moving Beyond SEO-Centered Website Design
Focus on quality content above all else in your SEO marketing and web design.
Businesses rely on their ability to appeal to an audience and audiences today demand quality. Whether on TV, radio or the web, they want engaging programs and information, not boring blurbs between relentless sales pitches. For marketers, the entertaining program is just a vehicle for advertising or advancing profits. Much to the dismay of the typical end-user, this same sales mindset drives many web marketers, through an excessive focus on SEO. But the web is different and marketers would be wise to sit up and pay attention.
Empty Calorie SEO
Unlike TV and radio, the web would still exist without advertising and sales. Granted, it wouldn’t be so flashy, fun or beautiful, but it would still be there. Visitors don’t understand the difference, thought. They just want the information or entertainment.
Even though audiences make it clear that entertainment is what they really want, website design has largely built itself around marketing, with a concern for quality coming second. Countless webpages hover around search engines, hoping to attract attention.
They have little or no value in the form of content. Instead, put out empty calorie keyword phrases that leave the reader bored, bloated and grouchy – and mostly unfulfilled. The people creating those websites have forgotten that giving customers what they want keeps them coming back for more.
Feed the Reader
Realizing how many useless webpages have made it to the top of their lists, Google and others have changed their search algorithms to the benefit of sites that care about the end user. In other words, if you want search engine traffic, you had better hand over some quality content. And throwing a bunch of keyword phrases together won’t do it. Substantial, not just relevant, content gives your website credibility, attracting repeat visits and longer stays. Sooner or later, that translates into SEO success.
It Starts with Design
Creating a great user experience that brings higher SEO rank starts in the early stages of designing a page or site. Above all else, it has to start with the content. Invest in research and find out what your target audience really wants or needs. Focus your content to meet those needs first.
Once your writers and other creative have an understanding of what the audience wants, designers can use that information to get a feel for the audience’s personality. Then they can get working on visual elements that will have the best user experience while delivering the greatest impact.
After all this, you still must test, test and test again. Web design remains a moving target until you’ve optimized the content and design for best audience response.
Let us help you design your next high quality web site for SEO success.
efelle’s web design experts have been designing successful websites since 2005. Let us help you brainstorm the best content and user experience design for maximum SEO benefit. Call 206.384.4909 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.
See also:
Website Search Engine Optimization: Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Bing and Yahoo