New Seattle Law Firm Website Goes Live
New Seattle Law Firm Website Goes Live
New Website Redesign Launch for Seattle-based Web Design Firm

Scheer & Zehnder is a civil litigation law firm based out of Seattle and Portland. They handle cases and other matters for our clients throughout the Northwest, including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Wyoming and Montana.
Scheer & Zehnder's Website Redesign & Development Details
We provided Scheer & Zehnder with a website design that is fresh, modern, and beautiful layout. The site incorporates an optimized website structure, calls-to-action, and search engine optimized copy to promote and market their law services to potential clients. They manage their site through our one of a kind law firm website content management system (LawFirmFusion), the firm is able to control and manage all their website content easily. For this project we worked with our favorite integrated partner, Eben Design, on the design phase of the project, which resulted in a stunning and innovative layout that matched the clients brand to their target demographic.
efelle is a Seattle web design firm specializing in online marketing, web design for law firms, website content management, search engine optimization for legal industry, and other lawfirm web design services. Our team of 27 internet marketing and web professionals is headquartered in our Seattle, WA office and we have worked with hundreds of businesses since 2005. Contact us today at 206.384.4909 to learn how we can help you with your law firm or attorney website design!