System Update: Blog Posts Overview Overhaul
FusionCMS System Update:
Blog Posts Overview Overhaul
The Blogv3 module's Posts Overview page has recieved a new interface to make it easier and quicker to find what you're looking for. The interface is the same as some of the more recent overview page updates. Let's take a quick look at the the new interface so we're all on the same page.

Sorting - You can now click on the column headers and sort each column (only columns with arrows). Shift+Click to sort multiple columns at a time.
Paging - Use the friendly page buttons at the bottom right corner to quickly navigate your blog posts.
Dynamically Loading Content - Each page will be dynamically loaded so you can have 10 products or 1 million products, there is no noticeable different with each page load.
Searching - The speed at which you can find what you are looking for has greatly increased. Try searching for a post title, author, or by category name.
Individual Column Filtering - Filter down all relevant posts by searching each column individually. Say you want to see all blog posts written by a specific author under a specific category. Easy peasy.
Current Page - Find out what page you're currently on and how many blog posts are in your collection (bottom left).