eCommerce Marketing

Fred Lebhart Posted by Fred Lebhart on September 19, 2024

Understanding BigCommerce's Stencil eCommerce Framework

Understanding BigCommerce's Stencil eCommerce Framework

An Introduction to BigCommerce's Stencil Framework

BigCommerce’s Stencil Framework is a versatile and powerful platform designed to help developers build visually appealing and highly customizable online stores. It offers a flexible and efficient system for designing themes, tailoring storefronts, and enhancing the overall user experience. Stencil utilizes cutting-edge web technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, to help developers create responsive and mobile-friendly themes, ensuring an optimal shopping experience across devices. Its wide array of features allows developers to craft unique shopping experiences that meet the needs of their customers.

Built on a foundation of best practices and industry standards, the Stencil Framework ensures that the themes created are secure, scalable, and high-performing. Moreover, for those developers migrating from BigCommerce’s earlier Blueprint platform, Stencil provides a smooth transition process.

Getting Started with Stencil

For developers new to Stencil, BigCommerce provides thorough documentation to guide you through the setup process. This documentation includes a step-by-step walkthrough on configuring your development environment, installing the Stencil CLI, and creating your first Stencil theme.

It covers everything you’ll need, from installing Node.js and npm, to setting up a new Stencil theme using the provided starter files. The documentation also provides instructions on how to utilize the Stencil CLI for local theme testing and previews before deployment to a live site.

Developers can optimize their workflow using various Stencil CLI commands and options. Additionally, the documentation includes troubleshooting advice and solutions for any common issues encountered during the setup process.

Understanding Stencil’s Technology Stack

Stencil's modern technology stack allows developers to take full advantage of the latest web development tools and techniques, which include:

  • Node.js: This runtime environment allows JavaScript code to be executed server-side, crucial for Stencil’s functionality.
  • npm: A package manager for Node.js, npm helps manage and install the necessary dependencies for Stencil themes.
  • Gulp: Gulp automates repetitive tasks like Sass compilation, JavaScript minification, and image optimization.
  • Webpack: A module bundler that helps developers organize and bundle assets and theme dependencies.
  • Handlebars: A templating language that facilitates dynamic, reusable HTML templates.

By mastering Stencil's technology stack, developers can optimize their workflow and create high-performing themes that make use of these tools.

Transitioning to Stencil from Blueprint

If you’re migrating from the older Blueprint platform, BigCommerce offers detailed instructions on how to transition smoothly to Stencil. This involves migrating theme files, customizations, and settings to the new framework.

BigCommerce's documentation provides a step-by-step guide, covering tasks like updating templates and managing custom code, ensuring a seamless transition for both developers and their customers.

To streamline the migration, BigCommerce also offers the Stencil Migration App, which helps automate the conversion of common Blueprint files and settings to Stencil equivalents, significantly reducing the manual effort involved.

Exploring the Stencil CLI

The Stencil CLI (Command Line Interface) is an essential tool that simplifies and accelerates theme development. It includes commands for creating new themes, compiling assets, and deploying themes to BigCommerce stores.

Once the Stencil CLI is installed via npm, developers can use various commands like stencil init, stencil start, stencil bundle, and stencil push to handle the entire theme development lifecycle from creation to deployment.

The CLI offers several customization options, such as specifying a custom port for local development or enabling hot module reloading to streamline the process. Additionally, developers can enhance their workflow with Stencil CLI plugins that offer functionalities like code formatting, asset optimization, and linting.

Customizing the Storefront

One of Stencil's standout features is the flexibility it offers in customizing storefronts to match a brand’s identity. Stencil themes are structured in a modular and organized way, making it easy for developers to adjust everything from the directory structure and assets to page layouts and overall theme composition.

The main directories within a Stencil theme include:

  • Assets: This folder holds static assets like images, fonts, and JavaScript files.
  • Config: Stores configuration files, including settings schemas, template files, and locale files.
  • Templates: Contains the Handlebars templates used to define page structures and layouts.
  • Styles: This directory contains Sass files, which control the look and feel of the storefront.

Developers can also customize theme assets (images, fonts, logos, etc.) and adjust page composition by modifying Handlebars templates to create dynamic, reusable components. This level of customization ensures that every online store is unique and aligned with the brand’s design needs.

Mobile Responsiveness and Performance

Given the increasing importance of mobile commerce, Stencil’s framework is optimized for creating responsive, mobile-friendly designs. By leveraging CSS media queries and other responsive design techniques, developers can ensure a seamless shopping experience across all devices.

Stencil also promotes performance optimization by supporting best practices like image compression, lazy loading, and efficient asset delivery. Using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks), developers can improve page load times for users around the world.

Security and Scalability

Security and scalability are at the core of the Stencil Framework. By adhering to industry best practices, Stencil ensures that online stores remain robust, secure, and capable of handling growing traffic and transaction volumes. BigCommerce’s security features and regular updates further ease the burden of maintaining a secure store, allowing developers to focus on creating outstanding user experiences.


BigCommerce’s Stencil Framework empowers developers to build highly customizable and visually stunning e-commerce stores. Whether you’re starting from scratch or migrating from the Blueprint platform, Stencil offers a powerful, modern solution for developers looking to create secure, scalable, and engaging online shopping experiences.

Ready to Upgrade Your BigCommerce eCommerce Website?

Transitioning from Blueprint to Stencil can significantly enhance your online store’s performance, customization options, and overall user experience. If you’re ready to make the switch, efelle creative is here to help!

Contact us today to discuss how we can seamlessly transition your BigCommerce eCommerce website to the Stencil framework. Reach out to us through our contact form or give us a call at 206.384.4909. Let’s work together to elevate your online store to the next level!