We are Proud to Announce the Launch of BNBuilders New Website!
BNBuilders Now Has Stunning New Responsive Website
Founded in 2000 by two construction veterans, BNBuilders have built everything in life science, biotech, healthcare, education, commercial, public, and office markets. The team at BNBuilders is passionate about creating enthusiasm, create problem solving, and sustainable construction for each project. From starting in Seattle to expansion all the way down to California, BNB is now one of the West Coast's preferred contractors.
Design Needs 
With the tagline, “If you can think it, we can build it,” BNBuilders had a desire to show off the amazing builds their company completed with an easily uploadable, fast loading, high quality gallery. Utilizing our Portfolio module, they are able to easily upload pictures and organize them by project type and location. They display their different and innovative services utilizing our Services Module and labeling it as “Expertise,” which shows their wide variety of skills.
Putting a face to the name was important for BNBuilders so they utilize our ProfilesModule to show off their knowledgeable and helpful leadership team as well as include bios and facts about each. They are able to easily access and make any changes including info, update pictures, or new staff members with our FusionCMS system.
Fun Blogger Fact: I took classes in one of the buildings that BnBuilders constructed, called Gaines Hall at Montana State University!
Check out the beautiful new website here!
Let efelle build your new responsive site
Their new, responsive website helps them effectively connect with new and old clients alike, with an informative yet intriguing website design, built with efelle's approach to organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind. Interested in how we could help your business? Call us at 206.384.4909 or use our online contact form for a free consultation.