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Should You Consider a Mobile-First Website Design?
Jessica Bryant

Should You Consider a Mobile-First Website Design?

One of the top design trends of 2017, mobile-first design is a fairly natural next step following a year when mobile browsing officially outpaced desktop usage. Customers are going mobile, marketers know it, and now, web designers are building for that. But what exactly does it mean to build mobile-first, and is it something you should consider? read more

3 Rules for Staying On Brand
Jessica Bryant

3 Rules for Staying On Brand

There are no two ways about it - brand recognition is essential for marketers. Here are a few simple steps that marketers can take to ensure that their content marketing efforts present a united front. read more

What Makes for a Shareable Graphic?
Jessica Bryant

What Makes for a Shareable Graphic?

A quick scan of your Facebook feed will probably reveal an apparent truth: Everyone is sharing graphics these days. If you're interested in creating shareable graphics as part of your content marketing strategy, you've got to know what works and what doesn't. read more

Tap Into the Power of Recognition with Visual Consistency
Jessica Bryant

Tap Into the Power of Recognition with Visual Consistency

When you're in the car or on the bus and you pass a billboard for McDonald's, you probably know it's for McDonald's before you even see the logo. You recognize the style of the photography, the font, and the way the image is composed. But how does your mind do that without seeing the actual brand—how do they do it? How do you, as a brand, capture that same kind of brand recognition? read more

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