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Kerry Sweeney

PSI's Website Redesign Project is Live!

PSI's Website Redesign Project is Live! Founded in 2002, Performance Systems Integration Corporation (PSIC) is dedicated to providing quality services and superior products, offering synergy to our Customers' automation and management of Life Safety Systems within and around their facilities and much more. read more

Kerry Sweeney

Why You Shouldn't Put Off Your Website Redesign

Redesigning your company's website is important, but it may get delayed because it's expensive, time-consuming, complicated, and what not. But putting off your company's website redesign is a huge mistake because it can hurt your business and your bottom line in many ways. Below are just some reasons why you should promptly redesign your website. read more

Kerry Sweeney

Twitter for Property Managers: A How-to Guide

Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows you to post updates that are up to 140 characters long. Many businesses use Twitter to communicate with their prospects and customers, provide customer service, and spread the word about their brand far and wide. Some property managers may view Twitter as a waste of time, but used correctly, Twitter can be an extremely powerful marketing tool. Here are some tips for property managers who are looking to get started with Twitter. read more

Kerry Sweeney

How to Reduce Your Ecommerce Website's Bounce Rate

Spending thousands of dollars building a feature-rich ecommerce website, only to discover after launch that most people leave immediately after entering your site is extremely disappointing. If a high percentage of visitors leave your website without navigating to another page, it means that your website has a high bounce rate. And while high bounce rates are bad news for any website, they're especially troublesome for ecommerce stores. read more

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