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Kerry Sweeney

Website Search Engine Optimization: Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Bing and Yahoo

Google has been top dog for search engines since anyone can remember. As of now, Google owns over 65 percent of the search engine market. It's so ubiquitous that the company's name is now the verb we use to describe the process of using a search engine. Just as Band-Aid is the term most people use for an adhesive bandage, Google is a household brand name. The thing with brands though, is that they tend to sit back and ride on their fame. Sooner or later, the competition catches up. That's just what's happening with Google now.d read more

Kerry Sweeney

Use These Tips to Super Charge Effectiveness of Client Testimonials

In an age where finding out more about a potential product or service is just a few mouse clicks away, customers place value on information they find trustworthy and dependable. Customer testimonials are an excellent way to present your business in the best light, but a simple quote from a satisfied client simply isn't enough. Your testimonials must make the reader feel an emotional connection before it can sway conversion. read more

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